Luca Comencini ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Musician
Current | Lead Guitarist | Songwriter
Lead guitarist with The DeRellas, and with SPIZZENERGI, two
of the most acclaimed punk bands on the European circuit.
In 2007 he joins The DeRellas signed to American independent label Crushworld Records. In 2012 he joins 80's punk rock icon Spizz with his new SPIZZENERGI line up, which is still going strong today. Both bands are currently working on new releases due out in 2014.
Background | Training
Born in Verona (Italy), Luca gains a First Degree in Piano
at the Music Conservatoire Dall'Abaco in Verona and a Teaching Diploma in Milan before moving to London.
In London he works as a session musician mainly playing guitar and keyboards while also teaching for ILEA.
Collaborations | Songwriting
In the 90's he starts the infamous industrial band Infant Skull Surgery, merging dance beats and heavy metal. He also works with musicians like Chris Webber (Guns'n'Roses), Daniel Woodgate (Madness) and Elvis Costello.
His abilities as a songwriter and musician get him a job
with Pro-Tools pioneer John McIntyre, collaborating on
the production of Duran Duran remix of "Girls on film"
and Primal Scream duet with Kate Moss "Some velvet morning". Soon after Luca starts his own songwriting project – Adreenalize – secures a publishing deal and
has a track played on television series C.S.I. New York.
​ Music Teaching Experience
Luca started as a music teacher working for ILEA, teaching people with learning difficulties. He currently works as a guitar tutor for London Piano Masters and also teaches privately to students of all ages, tailoring lessons according to individual needs. He holds independent workshops on "rock guitar" and "live performance" across the UK. Luca is a Musician Union member and CRB checked.